Special Events
Below are some of our highlighted events.
BINGO Nights
BINGO begins on Wednesday, June 1st from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Simple prizes will be awarded. A $1 per card donation is requested to play. Every Wednesday through August.
Weekly Events
At Peace we believe God meets us in the preaching of his word and the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion in a setting that blends historic Lutheran worship with music that speaks across the generations. Outside of worship, we value opportunities to come together as a community to learn, serve and support each other.
10:15am, In-person worship with live streaming.
Facebook Live and YouTube Live
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license
8:30am, Men's Bible Study
· Materials provided for Individual Study (20-30 minutes per day, your own devotion) Participants prepare for weekly meeting with the 5-day leaflet that provides scripture readings and related questions.
· Group Discussion : With a prepared discussion leader, group discuss the week's lesson.
· Group Lecture (20 minutes) Participant may choose to share but is non-mandatory. Everyone meets for a lecture, which further clarifies the lesson. Lecture is provided to voluntary leader.
Blood Drive (Oct. 31, 11am-4:45pm)