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Frequently Asked Questions

If this is your first visit to Peace, we want you to feel welcomed and at ease from the moment you drive into the parking lot! Below are some Frequently Asked Questions to assist you in planning your visit.


Where do we meet?

Peace meets at the northwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Maiden Lane in St. Joseph Charter Township. There are driveways from both Lincoln Avenue and Maiden Lane. Visitor parking places are located near the Worship Space and near the Fellowship Hall. The Worship Space is located behind the wooden doors on the right side (when facing the building); our Fellowship Hall is entered from the clear glass doors on the left.

When should I arrive?

It is best to arrive about ten minutes before worship to find a visitor parking place, visit our Welcome Center, receive a worship bulletin and settle into a seat.

What should I wear?

Come as you are, though shirt, pants/shorts and footwear are required! Dress styles range from casual, to business casual, and you will still see an occasional sport coat and tie.

Where do I go once I arrive?

It is best to enter through the wooden doors on the right side of the building for you will enter the narthex/foyer where our Welcome Center is located. There you will have the ability to sign in, have any questions answered, and you are right outside the Worship Space or Sanctuary. Bathrooms are just down the hall to the left of the Welcome Center. An Usher will hand you a bulletin as you enter the Sanctuary and you may sit anywhere you like.

What are services like?

Peace is a liturgical congregation. The word liturgy (pronounced li-ter-gee) is a corporate religious service offered to God by the people. The liturgy can be understood as a solemn drama involving God and his worshippers, consisting of an exchange of prayers, praise, and graces. It is a sacred time occurring in a sacred space. The original Greek word leitourgia (“service,” “ministry,” or “work of the people”) was used for any public work of the people, not only religious services. Congregations that wished to preserve some of the ancient forms of worship, tradition, and ritual after the Protestant Reformation are liturgical. Typical practices of a liturgical church include vested clergy, the incorporation of religious symbols, the recitation of prayers and congregational responses, the observance of a yearly liturgical calendar, and the use of sacraments. In the United States, the primary liturgical churches are Lutheran, Anglican/Episcopal, Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches. During a liturgical service the participants are relatively active – reading, responding, sitting, standing, etc.

Do I need a Bible?

You are welcome to bring your Bible with you. Lessons are read from the ESV (English Standard Version). If you do not bring a Bible, you can still follow along as the lessons are printed weekly in the worship bulletin.

What is available for children?

Peace believes children should attend worship with their parents. The repetitive nature of the liturgy is something children quickly learn and it is a painless way to teach parts of the Christian faith. Don’t be surprised if in time you hear your child singing one of the standard portions of the worship service! If a younger child is too fidgety, there is a modern nursery just down the hall from the Worship Space

What is available for participants with special needs?

There are multiple handicap parking spaces in front of and along the sides of the building. The facility is also wheelchair accessible. For those who are hard of hearing, hearing assist devices are available in the rear of the Worship Space at the sound and video booth.


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